
The 2nd DBCLS BioHackathon: interoperable bioinformatics Web services for integrated applications, Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2011, 2:4

バイオハッカソン2009の活動報告としてのレビュー論文が出版されました。 Review The 2nd DBCLS BioHackathon: interoperable bioinformatics Web services for integrated applicationsToshiaki Katayama*, Mark D Wilkinson, Rutger Vos, Takeshi Kawashim…

BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language, Bioinformatics (2010) 26 (20): 2617-2619.

BioRuby の論文が出版されました。 Bioinformatics. 2010 Oct 15;26(20):2617-9. Epub 2010 Aug 25. BioRuby: bioinformatics software for the Ruby programming language. Goto N, Prins P, Nakao M, Bonnal R, Aerts J, Katayama T. http://bioinformatic…

Katayama T, Nakao M, Takagi T. (2010) TogoWS: integrated SOAP and REST APIs for interoperable bioinformatics Web services, Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 May 14. (Annual Web Server Issue 2010)

TogoWSの論文が Nucleic Acids Research の Web Server Issue に掲載されました。 http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/gkq386 PMID:20472643 TogoWS ウェブサーバ特集号なので、サンプルコード多めで書きました。幅の長くなりがちな URL が多め…

Mitsuteru Nakao, Shinobu Okamoto, Mitsuyo Kohara, Tsunakazu Fujishiro, Takatomo Fujisawa, Shusei Sato, Satoshi Tabata, Takakazu Kaneko, and Yasukazu Nakamura, CyanoBase: the cyanobacteria genome database update 2010, Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access

あたらしい cyanobase の論文が Nucleic Acids Research Advance Access として出版されました。NAR Database issue 2010 に掲載されます。 Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic Abstract Full Text Print PDF これまでの CyanoBase のデータの追加と…

Low conservation and species-specific evolution of alternative splicing in humans and mice: comparative genomics analysis using well-annotated full-length cDNAs | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic

Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Nov;36(20):6386-95. Epub 2008 Oct 5. Low conservation and species-specific evolution of alternative splicing in humans and mice: comparative genomics analysis using well-annotated full-length cDNAs.Takeda J, Suzuki …

Genome Information Integration Project And H-Invitational 2 (2007) The H-Invitational Database (H-InvDB), a comprehensive annotation resource for human genes and transcripts -- 10.1093/nar/gkm999 -- Nucleic Acids Research

Abstract Full Text PubMed Welcome to H-Invitational database!! 遺伝子産物の機能アノテーションの更新に参加しました。タンパク質の細胞内局在予測(PTS1予測)をおこないました。

J.-i. Takeda, Y. Suzuki, M. Nakao, T. Kuroda, S. Sugano, T. Gojobori, and T. Imanishi H-DBAS: Alternative splicing database of completely sequenced and manually annotated full-length cDNAs based on H-Invitational Nucleic Acids Res., January 12, 2007; 35(

Imanishi et al., 2004のデータにもとづく共著者の論文がでました。NARのデータベース特集号に掲載されます。 Abstract Full Text Print PDF Screen PDF PMID:17130147 Volume 35 Issue suppl_1 | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford Academic http://jbirc.jb…

Takeda JI, Suzuki Y, Nakao M, Barrero RA, Koyanagi KO, Jin L, Motono C, Hata H, Isogai T, Nagai K, Otsuki T, Kuryshev V, Shionyu M, Yura K, Go M, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Wiemann S, Nomura N, Sugano S, Gojobori T, Imanishi T. (2006) Large-scale id

Imanishi et al., 2004のデータ解析でお手伝いをした論文がアクセプトされました.貢献したところは,おもに,選択的スプラシシングの影響を受けるエクソンと影響を受ける機能ドメインの関連 P 値の計算についてです. Abstract Full text PDF PMID: 16914452…

Mitsuteru Nakao, Roberto A. Barrero, Yuri Mukai, Chie Motono, Makiko Suwa, and Kenta Nakai (2005) Large-scale analysis of human alternative protein isoforms: pattern classification and correlation with subcellular localization signals, Nucl. Acids Res. 2

Abstract Full text PDF PMID:15860772 http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=author:%22Nakao%22+intitle:%22Large-scale+analysis+of+human+alternative+protein+...%22+&hl=ja&c2coff=1&pwst=1&um=1&oi=scholarr http://apps.isiknowledge.com/CEL/CIW.cg…

Imanishi T, Itoh T, Suzuki Y, O'Donovan C, Fukuchi S, Koyanagi KO, Barrero RA, Tamura T, Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Tanino M, Yura K, Miyazaki S, Ikeo K, Homma K, Kasprzyk A, Nishikawa T, Hirakawa M, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Ashurst J, Jia L, Nakao M, Th

Full text PDF PMID: 15103394

Yuko Makita, Mitsuteru Nakao, Naotake Ogasawara, and Kenta Nakai (2004) DBTBS: database of transcriptional regulation in Bacillus subtilis and its contribution to comparative genomics, Nucl. Acids Res. 2004 32: D75-D77; doi:10.1093/nar/gkh07

DBTBS release 3 の Database Issue です.おもな貢献はウェブインターフェイスの開発や Sequence Ontology への準拠です. Abstract Full text PDF DBTBS release 4.1 DBTBS release 3.4

Mitsuteru Nakao, Hidemasa Bono, Shuichi Kawashima, Tomomi Kamiya, Kazushige Sato, Susumu Goto, Minoru Kanehisa (1999) Genome-scale Gene Expression Analysis and Pathway Reconstruction in KEGG, Genome Informatics 10: 94-103

Abstract PDF http://www.jsbi.org/journal/GI10.html PMID:11072346 http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=author:%22Nakao%22+intitle:%22Genome-scale+gene+expression+analysis+and+pathway+...%22+&hl=ja&c2coff=1&pwst=1&um=1&oi=scholarr

Tetsushi Yada, Mitsuteru Nakao, Yasushi Totoki and Kenta Nakai (1999) Modeling and predicting transcriptional units of Escherichia coli genes using hidden Markov models, Bioinformatics 15 (12): 987-993

Abstract ISI Web of Science http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=ja&lr=&c2coff=1&q=author%3A%22Nakao%22+intitle%3A%22Modeling+and+predicting+transcriptional+units+of+Escherichia+coli+genes+using+hidden+Markov+models%22&btnG=検索&lr= 修士論…